complex multi radius rounding

April 16, 2010

in rhino you can  round with variable adjustable radii:

T splines overview

April 16, 2010

here an overview video, from Matt Sedersberg, developer of Tsplines,  my favorite rhino modeling plug- t splines:

y-branch modeling

April 16, 2010

tutorial control point editing

April 16, 2010

this vidoe shows nice how you can edit rhino nurbs control points:

beginner tutorial paneling tools

April 16, 2010

here s little video that shows how to get started with rhino3d paneling tools, custom shapes:

does rhino OSX exist?

April 16, 2010

> oh yes, it does, and it is good:-)

the rhino3d OSX team does not simple a port, but a complete new rewrite on osx, to make rhino osx a native osx app.

recently they added python, the rhino OSX builds are regulary updated. each rhino owner can download and use them

some vimeo screencast about the interface(not absolute recent rhino osx verisons – 11 month old)

ring totorial

March 22, 2010

here a nice little rhino tutorial how to make a design ring: