if You want to buy rhino.io, please click on the Buy button below. it will bring you to our secure online web shop (www.3dtools.info)

the price is 99.- euro (local tax may apply)

please note that You needĀ  a CINEMA 4D R17 – R 2024 + to run rhino.io.

(Please note the plugin is sold “as is” the exact feature set might slightly be adjusted to the current rhino and c4d sdk options. in case feel free to ask us before purchase)

click the button below to buy at our web shop www.3dtools.info:

powered by Wordpress Multibox Plugin v1.3.5

for private customers within the EU and for all customers within Austria, local VAT tax has to be added. European firms and professionals with a valid VAT number do NOT have to pay VAT tax, according to the EU b2b VAT Tax system.

clicking on the button above will lead you to our web shop “www.3dtools.info”, it is a secure web shop with several payment options: credit card payment, Paypal, and classic bank transfer at your choice. The shop is a secured system, no credit card info is stored by us, all card and user info is handled directly by STRIPEĀ  payment solutions.